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What's inside a response

When you make request to the /cards/ path, one of two options will get returned to you: a successful response, or an error

Successful responses

A successful response consists of a JSON array with each entry being a single card. Each card consists of 14 key-value pairs, here is a brief description of each.

keyData TypeDescription
NameStringThe name of the card including the subtitle denoted by " - " e.g. "Elsa - Snow Queen"
CostIntegerThe amount of ink it costs to cast e.g. 5
TypeStringThe type of the card including optional subtype denoted by " - " e.g. "Character", or "Action - Song"
ColorStringThe ink color of the card. e.g. "Amber", or "Steel"
InkableBooleanWhether the card can be placed into your inkwell
Body_TextStringAll of the text in the body of the card excluding the flavor text
Flavor_TextStringIf present, the bit of italicized lore text beneath the body text
ArtistStringThe name of the illustrator(s) that drew the card
RarityStringThe rarity of the card e.g. "Common", or "Super-Rare"
ImageStringA URL linking to a 1468 x 2048 image of the card
Set_NameStringThe name of the set that the card is in e.g. "The First Chapter"
Set_IDStringThe three digit alphanumeric code that corresponds the card's set e.g. "TFC"
Set_NumIntegerStarting from 1, the number of set it is based off release order
Date_AddedDateTimeThe date that the card was added the database (In yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm)
Date_ModifiedTimestampThe timestamp that the card was last modified in the database (in yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.s)

Character cards however also have these additional rows added to them:

keyData TypeDescription
ClassificationsStringA list of each of the classifications the card has separated by ", " e.g. "Storyborn, Ally"
StrengthIntegerThe amount of strength the card has
WillpowerIntegerThe amount of willpower the card has
LoreIntegerThe amount of lore you receive when questing the card,

Here is an example of a single card character response.

Here is an example of a single card non-character response.

Unsuccessful Responses

When you make a response that is invalid, you will recieve a JSON response with information about the error. It will have four fields:

JSON KeyDescription
codeA short name for the error that occurred. e.g. "invalid_column"
detailsA one sentence description of what issue was encountered. e.g. "Unknown column 'nmae' in 'where clause'"
objectWill say the word "error" to denote this response as an error
statusThe HTTP response code associated with the request. Usually 400

Here is an example:

"code": "invalid_url",
"details": "Invalid URL! The current URLs avaliable for /cards/ is /cards/all, /cards/fetch",
"object": "error",
"status": 404