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Change Log

6/24/2024 Sorting and Bulk data

  • Added bulk endpoint to allow for all card/set data at once.
  • Added orderby and sortdirection parameters to allow sorting of data
  • Added Date_Added and Date_Modified fields to data


  • Redid the website


  • Fixed huge amounts of error and consistency problems. Now all the JSON responses are consistent, no extra arraylist here or null value there, everything is nice and standardized. Now, there will always be an an empty array or a blank string instead of a null value, this should make fetching values alot easier. (Thank you JoshuaBradBury for all of the many errors you pointed out)
  • Added "body-text" value to all cards. Now all cards has a "body-text" value that can be fetched, it includes the keywords and abilities in one nice string! Much less hassle!

Smaller Changes/Bugfixes

  • Made the backend much easier to edit or manipulate data.
  • Added all the cards in TFC (Thanks again JoshuaBradbury for pointing out the missing ones)

8/13/2023 [Slight Breaking Changes]

  • Added Images🎉! Now all the cards have thier own images with them, including small, medium, large, and art-crop variants!

  • Added batch fetching: ​Using /strict/, you can easiley fetch multiple cards at the same time, and get all their responses nicey formatted in a JSONArray. All you gotta do is seperate each card name with semicolons, like this: /strict/elsa-snow_queen;healing_glow;mickey_mouse . Simple!

  • Removed non-exact responces from /fuzzy/ endpoint, you will now always get returned exactly one card. This should make fuzzy searching alot smarter and more consistent.

Smaller Changes/Bugfixes

  • Fixed cards with peroids in their names only showing their prefix (e.g. "​Dr. Facilier" showing up as "dr")
  • Changed the prexisting image urls to new fancy ones.
  • Removed "jimmy-the_finger" test card (haha oops)


  • Allowed support for multiple cards with the same name. This was done make making it so a fetch to just a name (e.g. mickey_mouse) will return a list of all the mickey mice, instead of just returning the first added one
  • Made exact name fetch work differently. originally if you wanted to fetch a card exactly, like aladdin for example, you do something like this: /strict/aladdin now due to multple cards with the same name, you must also incude a subtitle, doing /strict/aladdin-prince_ali . doing the former will just return a list of all aladdins, like mentioned before
  • Implemented Image URLs. All cards now have 5 image URLs in thier data. The URL's dont lead to an actual card, but a placeholder for when they are added. I am hoping on Lorcana/ravensburger to release an offical card database which includes images, for it would be extremely tricky to stock from third party images only. So no offical database probably means to card images
  • The API now has all the cards currently. Before the changes above, only the first released card from each name was added to the API. Now it is fully up to date on all the cards, and includes every variation for each name.

Smaller Changes/Bugfixes

  • Developed specialized software to make transcription and saving much easier. This should allow for faster API updates
  • Fixed some general mistakes here and there


  • Added /search , a way to easiley filter cards for any of thier values. Check out the Docs to learn more.

Smaller Changes/Bugfixes

  • Made /lists/sets return more information about each set, like card count and set code


Smaller Changes/Bugfixes

  • Added more examples of GET to the how to page
  • Added /lists/cards as an alias for /lists/names
  • Made /lists/names automatically update; fetching all the names will now provide a dynamically updating list of the cards


  • Added /fuzzy/ option for partial name matches instead of strict. check the how to guide for information
  • Added /lists/ . You can now fetch names, colors, and set using /lists/list_name . Check the how to for info
  • Changed /cards/ to /strict/ . This is because /strict/ fits better with also having /fuzzy/ . /cards/ will still work though
  • Remade the how to guide, making it a lot easier to understand and more in-depth explanations

Smaller Changes/Bugfixes

  • Made the backend smarter to allow for quicker and easier expansion
  • Fix the mispelling of "toughness" occuring in all card instances
  • Reconsiderd my life choices
  • Fixed minor problems on other cards


  • Changed 'set' to 'set-code'; the set code is the three letter ​abbreviation of the set; like 'TFC'
  • Added 'set'; the full set name ; like 'The First Chapter'
  • Changed 'types' to 'subtypes';
  • Added 'type' ; the card type; like 'character', or 'Action'
  • Added this very page

Smaller Changes/Bugfixes

  • Made sure all cards api were uniform; like including a 'traits' section even when none are present, to keep consistency
  • Fixed Maleficent having improper JSON formatting (oops)
  • Changed names from all uppercase to Title case
  • Updated example on the how-to page to match new additions
  • Fixed minor problems on other cards